Totally Awesome game!
Totally Awesome game!
I really enjoy playing the game the only problem is the glitches with each new event. The latest event is very nerve plucky. If you try to contact your other co-op Players they dont seem to be out there Helping you. Ive lost all the first 5 Challenges because I cant contact Other players or when you can the challenges are over. And by the way what is up with pilot Eddie and the Mariner wanting such high numbers of each item. By the time you make enough of the items the time limit is over so then you have all this extra stuff in your barn that doesnt go up in amount of storage for so many keys or items to increase storage by only ten. :(
This game by far is 10 times worse than CastleVille ever was. Zynga made a mistake in taking away Castleville & making this their top game. I will never play any game that Zynga creates again.
Well I have played this game for 4 years and I did the up date yesterday and now I have letters missing on my game .. So when I reinstalled the game again and tried to connect to Facebook all my progress was gone I had so much stuff and now its all gone. I have done this many times before and no problems now I cant find where to get help with out it sending me to 9million pages to talk to people that dont even ask the question I need help with .. I have loved this game but I think if my old game isnt restored Im done playing all together !!
Can play this on iPhone but it crashes on my iPad. Super annoying. Deleting it.
Fun, I like the co op part!!!! There is always something to do !":)
I play almost everyday and LOVE it! No complaints:)
This game is super slow and its hard to do what you want to do because it doesnt run smoothly. I love the game but they need to make a better version of it. Im only giving this 5 stars so it can be seen.
I like the game but when there are events like the county fair dont bother, players accumulate millions of points in a few hours and you know something is wrong there,,,,, you see their points go up a million at a time, not as they are playing the game either,,,, and nothing is done about it......
I enjoy the special events, but it is impossible to finish them. Its easy to get the first few challenges done, but the closer to the end of the of the event, its difficult to accomplish, unless you stay up 24 hours to work on it. I wish you would give us more time & make it easier to collect items that are needed! Its frustrating to be so close & know you cannot finish without buying more keys.
Cute but items take too long to finish, which makes certain missions impossible to complete. You spend keys buying certain characters and when the event finishes the character disappears. Its very frustrating getting special event items, they make it so you try 10 times and maybe get them twice.
Takes so many keys, has so many glitches. This fair thing glitches going from my phone to my tablet. I was in 3rd place on my phone, went to my tablet, put me in 4th. Freezes up on the selling board and co-op board. Have to reboot a lot. Instead of trying to give so many events, fix the known issues then move on
This game will keep you playing even when you think you are done. Always something to do even if it is just hurry up and wait.....
Really fun game should try to find different ways to be friends with people who dont have a Fb
Fun stress reducer
Wishing we could use our coins for more!
When are you going to fix it so that one wrong touch doesnt mean losing keys for something we dont want. So freaking annoying... for an otherwise fun game.
I love this game, and Ive hate games.
The game just wont let me play Ive deleted it and re-dowloaded it and it still wont let me play.